Free Consultation: 424-320-9444


We do one thing: probate disputes, and we do them really well. At RMO LLP, we help clients get better real-world results sooner so they can move on with their lives. Protecting People. Defending Legacies. That’s RMO.



For Families

At RMO, we understand the emotional and financial toll that legal disputes can have on you and your family. Our mission is to help you protect your family legacy and get your life back on track swiftly and efficiently. We work tirelessly to preserve your inheritance and ensure that your loved one’s intentions are honored, so you can spend less time in legal battles and more time on what truly matters. Our experienced team is dedicated to securing better results, sooner, providing you with the peace of mind, relief, and closure you need. Trust RMO Lawyers to help you preserve what your loved one intended.

Families Choose RMO Lawyers
Professionals Choose RMO Lawyers
 For Professionals 

For more than two decades, we’ve collaborated with institutional clients such as trust companies and private professional fiduciaries, mitigating the inherent risks associated with their roles and guiding them through contentious administrations and litigation. Our legal counsel can guide you through the intricacies of probate, family and procedural laws, avoiding mistakes and minimizing the repercussions of missteps that could lead to your suspension, removal or surcharge. We diligently work to ensure you are able to fulfill your duties effectively, get paid fairly, and protect your good reputation. By teaming up with RMO Lawyers, you can confidently expect to have a partner dedicated to helping you uphold your professional integrity, bolster your standing in the industry, and secure the right results in your disputed administration or litigation.

Our Case Results

RMO has a proven track record of protecting people and defending legacies.

















Trust Amendment Invalidated for Undue Influence
After trial, awarded a seven-figure judgment, plus attorney’s fees and costs on behalf of the elderly niece of the decedent, where auntie’s neighbor/caregiver used undue influence to connive her way into becoming the primary beneficiary of her trust shortly before she passed.
Defense of Trustee Against Breach of Fiduciary Duty for Imprudent Investments
Defended the successor trustee of a family trust against claims from his brother that he had breached his fiduciary duty to invest trust assets prudently when a concentrated commodity position he amassed lost essentially all its value swiftly. The probate court denied the charge on evidence presented by RMO that the trust’s broad investment powers and the deceased settlor’s speculative investment meant there the investment loss could not constitute a breach.
Recovery of Stolen Trust Property + Double Damages and Attorney’s Fees
Representing the successor professional fiduciary trustee, secured a seven-figure probate court judgment, plus double damages, attorney’s fees and costs in recovering real property that had been transferred and stolen by an unscrupulous trust beneficiary.
Addressing Grandma’s Stolen Home
On behalf of the granddaughter administrator of grandma’s probate estate, secured a judgment against grandma’s daughter and son-in-law to recover title to grandma’s home and monies wrongfully withdrawn against the property.
Dependent Adult Financial Abuse Remedied
Secured the intestate probate estate of our clients, the rightful heirs of their cousin’s estate, who had fallen prey to an ex-con drug dealer “friend” who had coerced the cousin to sign will documents while dying in his hospital bed.
Thieving Neighbor’s Financial Elder Abuse Rectified, With Double Damages
Representing the institutional successor trustee of a family trust, obtained a financial elder abuse judgment against a neighbor “friend” abuser who had taken significant sums of money from an elderly man just months before he died, including double damages interest, attorney’s fees and costs.
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Summary Adjudication of Disinherited Beneficiary’s Trust Contest
Swiftly secured the dismissal of a trust contest of a disgruntled, disinherited trust beneficiary on a motion after strategically allowing the trust contest period to expire before serving a notice of proposed action to distribute trust assets to the trust’s remaining beneficiaries and nothing to the disinherited beneficiary.
Secured Family’s Business Legacy
Representing the successor family trustee, secured the generational family business for the decedent’s heirs by acquiring from a disgruntled beneficiary their interest in the family business on extremely favorable terms that will allow the family to continue operating the family business for future generations to come.
Defense of Financial Elder Abuse Claim Against Surviving Spouse Trustee
Successfully defended a surviving spouse trustee against financial elder abuse and other claims made by family members who said she had fraudulently transferred assets to herself from her late husband’s trust and estate.
Prevented Trustee Removal for Badly-Lawyered Trust Accounting
Staved off suspension, removal and surcharge for a trustee who had failed to properly or timely provide court-ordered trust accountings to trust beneficiaries and was staring down an imminent deadline, as well as suspension, removal and surcharge.
Trustee Removal for Fraud
Neutralized and secured removal of a hostile co-trustee who was attempting to bilk our client’s trust of millions of dollars through a series of fabricated claims.
Thieving Trustee Removed and Surcharged
Secured removal of a thieving co-trustee daughter whose malfeasance left her own mother destitute and unable to pay her bills, including recovery of the stolen assets, attorney fees and costs.
Trust Beneficiary Dispute Squashed & Partition Avoided
Swooped in on behalf of an institutional trustee after years of protracted litigation to secure a decision from the Los Angeles probate court to end a years-long dispute between feuding siblings over the distribution of their parents’ estate, avoiding distribution of assets in-kind, which would have only resulted in partition.
Sub-Trust Allocations Defended
Client’s mother survived step-dad and succeeded him as trustee of their family trust. After mom passed, step-dad’s children alleged she had improperly allocated trust assets to favor her survivor’s trust, which went to our client, over the marital trust, which went to step-dad’s children. Using historic appraisals and valuations, demonstrated the disputed allocation was reasonable, resolving the dispute.
Inept Trustee Removed & Client Appointed Successor Trustee to Save Estate
Non-responsive and ineffective trustee who had done little to nothing to administer the trust or protect trust assets from waste following decedent’s passing was removed and our client appointed as successor trustee by the probate court, avoiding further damage.
Racist Trustee Removed and Surcharged
Removed and obtained surcharge of a non-beneficiary family trustee who hurled racial epthets at our client, refused to account, and tried to sell the house intended for our sole trust beneficiary client out of spite, securing the home for our client and her family.
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Mom’s House and Legacy Saved from Foreclosure
Prevented foreclosure of mom’s house - the estate’s only significant asset - by securing ex parte appointment as Special Administrator and then obtaining a temporary restraining order preventing the home’s foreclosure so the property could be sold, securing mom’s legacy for her children and grandchildren.
Family Jewels Recovered
On behalf of a professional fiduciary, convinced the probate court to award our client double damages, attorney’s fees and costs in addition to recovery of significant personal property wrongfully taken from - and refused to be returned to - the estate.
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Saving the Family Farm
Helped family members recover ownership of the multi-million dollar family farm that had been transferred out of an irrevocable trust improperly by an unscrupulous trustee through the fraudulent use of a decanting statute.
Estate Administrator’s Fraudulent Probate Accounting Revealed
Represented decedent’s children in a contested probate accounting over various expenses the administrator attempted to charge against the estate, and then further successfully obtained an order from the court shifting a portion of the client’s fees and cost to several unrepresented heirs through a “common fund” theory of fee recovery.
“Death Bed” Trust Amendment Thwarted
Within weeks, secured evidence sufficient to convince the surviving step-parent perpetrator of a “death bed” trust amendment that disinherited our client to abandon the amendment and pay our client his high seven-figure inheritance.
Holographic Trust Amendment Neutered
Secured summary judgment on behalf of a trust beneficiary where the trustee claimed a holographic trust amendment halved our client’s inheritance, resulting in our client receiving her full inheritance and the trust paying her attorney’s fees and costs.
Invalidated Assignment of Elder Beneficiary’s Interest
Secured an elderly client’s rightful inheritance from her brother’s estate, invalidating the ill-gotten assignment the brother’s widow and her attorney had secured from her using subterfuge and without advising her to seek her own counsel.
Disputed Heirship Recognized
Effectuated heirship for the secret scion daughter of the decedent, who learned of his daughter only late in life and came to celebrate their relationship and hold her out to his community and confidants, but refrained from sharing their relationship with his wife and daughter, which led to disputed heirship after he passed.
Another “Death Bed” Trust Amendment Avoided
Within 45 days of engagement, secured 125% of our clients’ original bequests, plus attorney’s fees and costs, from their long-time friend’s estate after the 85 year-old decedent’s new “husband” unduly influenced the creation of a trust amendment to take the entirety of the estate for himself.
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Third Time’s The Charm - Eight Figure Trust Saved for Surviving Spouse
Represented the surviving spouse of her deceased husband’s high eight figure trust estate, which, through some ill-advised estate planning, had left the client as a co-fiduciary with her estranged stepson and a bungling property manager. Prior litigation with previous counsel resulted only in our client’s resignation, which allowed the bunglers to further waste trust assets. Secured a final, global resolution for the surviving spouse that secured the resignations of the “bad” trustees and replaced them with an institutional trustee who is working to remedy their bad acts and save the estate.
Long Overdue Child Support Secured from Deadbeat Dad’s Estate
Represented former spouse in collecting long-unpaid child support through creditor’s claim procedure from her ex-husband’s estate.
Retirement Benefits Secured for Surviving Spouse
Represented the surviving spouse in successfully defending her status as beneficiary of her deceased husband’s retirement benefits against contest by the decedent’s former wife and children, who had claimed lack of capacity and undue influence.
Disposed of Interloping Ex-Spouse’s Trust Contest
Represented the surviving spouse trustee of her deceased husband’s trust against a trust contest on the grounds of incapacity and undue influence by the husband’s first wife - and his children from that marriage - all of whom had been disinherited by the decedent. Deployed tried and true probate litigation tactics to put the interlopers to task, which resulted in the court dismissing their claims, saving significant time and money.
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Online Romance Fraud Halted
Established an emergency conservatorship of the estate of a divorcee who had been ensnared by Nigerian fraudsters,who had infiltrated, isolated, defrauded and unduly influenced her into sending them millions, leaving her destitute and unable to buy food.
Conservatee Protected, Financial Advisor Fraudster Barred from Industry
Represented a court-appointed guardian ad litem in securing a prosecution agreement with counsel for the conservator of an institutionalized dementia patient who was taken advantage of financially by her financial advisor, leading to his permanent bar from the financial services industry.
Protected Elder Father from His Own Daughters
On behalf of his wife, established conservatorship of an elderly man over the protests of his daughters, who were his attorneys-in-fact and nominated conservators, living rent-free in his properties, and had repeatedly threatened to withhold caregiving. Secured ex parte suspension of the daughters’ powers of attorney and appointment of a private professional fiduciary to protect dad, which was granted by probate court.
Grandmother Safeguarded
Secured appointment of a private professional fiduciary for grandmother on behalf of grandson, and over the objections of grandson’s aunt, who, along with her husband, had been exploiting grandma financially, securing grandma’s return home and well being.
Guardianships for Kidnapped Parent
In two separate cases, established a guardianship for our client on behalf of their parent after the parent was secretly moved across state lines by our clients’ siblings so the kidnapping sibling could take financial advantage of the parent.
Conservatorship Thwarted
Defeated wife’s attempt to have herself appointed as conservator for husband when dad resisted wife’s efforts to unduly influence him to change his estate plan in her favor.
Conservatorship Financial Abuser Defeated
Defeated financial abusing neighbor’s attempts to establish himself as conservator for his elderly neighbor, from whom he had transferred her properties into his name, added himself to her accounts, and changed her estate planning documents to name himself as executor, trustee and sole beneficiary.
Parents Protected from Feuding Daughters
Represented the private professional fiduciary appointee in securing appointment in contested conservatorships for mom and dad where the parents had become the victims of their daughters’ infighting and efforts to control them and their finances.
Two Dads Protected from their Feuding Sons
In separate cases, secured appointment of a private professional fiduciary to serve as conservator for each dad to protect him from a ne'er do well son who was taking advantage of him financially.
Conservatorship for Wandering Mom
On behalf of daughter, established conservatorship for mom, whose dementia manifested itself in part in wandering, over the objection of mom’s live-in boyfriend, who failed to protect mom from wandering and, investigation showed, was taking financial advantage of mom.
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Jurisdiction ≠ Forum Non Convenience
In a published opinion, obtained reversal of a lower court decision confusing jurisdiction with forum non conviens, re-establishing the trust beneficiary’s right to continue prosecuting his fraud, undue influence, and financial elder abuse claims.
Settlement Approved, Confirmed and Enforced
Represented trustee, at trial and on appeal, to enforce a settlement agreement addressing his co-trustee’s a breach of fiduciary duties, after the offending co-trustee fraudulently claimed he had satisfied his obligations under the agreement.
Trust Contest Win Buttressed
Successfully defended trustee and sole beneficiary against trust contest by disinherited heir. Then, when the trial judge erroneously entered judgment creating potential exposure for subsequent litigation, prevailed on appeal to modify the judgment to insulate the trustee from any possible further litigation.
Life Insurance Proceeds Confirmed as Trust Asset
Represented trustee of irrevocable trust in a published appellate decision confirming the trust could be funded properly with life insurance proceeds even though all formalities typically required by the terms of the life insurance policy had not been satisfied.
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Forged Estate Planning Documents Disregarded
Secured the estate of our client’s late father, who had been victimized by childhood friends who had forged estate planning documents to steal his estate from his family.
Fraudulent Property Transfers Invalidated
Secured return of our client’s home value after her daughter and son-in-law moved into the home under the guise of “helping” her, only to defraud her into signing documents signing her home over to them, after which they forced her out of her home.
Caregiver “Girlfriend’s” Grift Righted
Recovered the home of an infirm, institutionalized senior who had been victimized by his “girlfriend,” an opportunistic volunteer at his care facility, securing his golden years.
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Hear What Clients Say About RMO

Everything We Do Is Driven By Core Values

At RMO LLP, we understand that our clients are often dealing with significant loss and uncertainty. Our mission is to guide them through these difficult times with care, ensuring they feel supported and informed every step of the way. We take pride in our ability to resolve disputes efficiently and effectively, whether through trial or settlement, always aiming to put our clients in a better place than we found them. Our team at RMO Lawyers is guided by our core values:


We are here to help people. We genuinely value and support our clients, each other, and our communities. We treat everyone with dignity and respect.


We are committed to excellence. We are passionate about efficiently achieving better real-world results, sooner. We never lose sight of our clients’ bottom line.


We honor our commitments to our clients, the firm, and one another. We hold ourselves and our colleagues accountable. We own our role in and responsibility for our mutual financial success. We do the right thing—always, every time, regardless of the consequences.


We work together to achieve our individual, team, and client goals. We elevate our colleagues and our firm as a whole. We support advancement and celebrate achievement.

An Award Winning Team

Our lawyers are recognized among the best and brightest probate dispute attorneys in the country, our efforts in the courtroom bested only by the quality of our people and the work we do serving our clients. RMO is honored to be recognized regularly for our accomplishments as a firm and as individual attorneys. Here are just a few of the accolades we have received.  

  • Inc. 5000 – Fastest Growing Private Companies in America
  • US News & World Report – Best Law Firms 
  • Best Lawyers in America – Trust and Estates & Litigation                                                                        
  • Chambers & Partners – High Net Worth Guide, Private Wealth Disputes         
  • Southern California Super Lawyers – Trust and Estate Litigation                     
  • Southern California Super Lawyers – Top 100 Lawyers of SoCal 
  • Southern California Super Lawyers  “Rising Stars”                            
  • Los Angeles Business Journal – Leaders of Influence: Litigators & Trial Lawyers         
  • Los Angeles Times: Business of Law – Legal Visionary
  • Los Angeles Business Journal – Leaders of Influence: Thriving in Their 40s                                   
  • Century City Bar Association – Trusts and Estates Litigator of the Year
  • Greater Irvine Chamber – 40 Under 40 Award
  • Los Angeles Business Journal – Women of Influence: Attorneys
  • US Business News – Greater San Diego Area Trust & Probate Litigator of the Year
  • National Law Journal – Elite Boutique Trailblazer
  • The American Lawyer – West Trailblazer  
  • Martindale-Hubbell- Rated AV Preeminent® 5 out of 5
  • Avvo – Rated Superb 10
RMO LLP named one of the best Trust and Estate litigation law firmstop rates lawyer

Client Reviews

Our Proven Process

RMO Lawyers uses a proven process to ensure consistent, high-quality legal representation in each case. By applying this structured approach, we can effectively manage and address the specific needs of our clients, ensuring thorough and efficient handling of legal matters. This methodical process sets RMO Lawyers apart by providing reliable outcomes and maintaining a high standard of client service.

What Does RELIEF Stand For?


We thoroughly investigate the initial facts of your case to develop a comprehensive understanding of the people, documents, and events involved. Our meticulous review process includes the following steps:

  • Detailed Fact-Finding: We conduct an in-depth analysis of all relevant facts and gather critical information to build a solid foundation for your case.
  • Comprehensive Document Examination: Our team carefully reviews all pertinent documents to identify key details and insights that can impact the outcome of your case.
  • Understanding Key Individuals: We delve into the backgrounds and roles of all involved parties to gain a clear perspective on the dynamics and relationships that may influence your case.
  • Event Analysis: We meticulously reconstruct the timeline of events to ensure every aspect is understood and accurately represented.

By combining these elements, we ensure a deep and thorough understanding of your case, enabling us to develop a tailored strategy to achieve the best possible outcome for you.



Our evaluation process is designed to integrate legal analysis with our initial fact investigation to inform and guide your case strategy. Our comprehensive evaluation includes the following steps:

  • Legal Analysis: We thoroughly examine relevant laws, regulations, and precedents to understand the legal framework applicable to your case.
  • Application of Facts to Law: Using insights gained from our initial fact investigation, we meticulously apply these facts to the legal context, identifying strengths and potential challenges.
  • Strategic Assessment: We assess how the legal landscape and the specific details of your case interact, allowing us to determine the most effective legal strategies.
  • Guiding Case Strategy: Based on our analysis, we develop a tailored case strategy designed to optimize your chances of a favorable outcome. We ensure that every step is informed by the facts of your case and the applicable laws.

Through this rigorous evaluation process, we ensure that our legal approach is both deeply informed and strategically sound, providing you with the best possible representation.

Level Set

Our level-set process ensures clear communication and alignment on case strategy. This phase includes the following steps:

  • Initial Impressions: We provide you with our preliminary assessments based on our thorough review and evaluation, giving you a clear understanding of your case’s strengths and potential challenges.
  • Strategy Recommendations: Leveraging our insights, we recommend targeted strategies tailored to your specific goals and the unique circumstances of your case.
  • Client Alignment: We ensure that our recommended strategies align with your objectives and expectations, fostering a collaborative approach to case management.
  • Strategy Deployment: Once aligned, we implement the agreed-upon strategies, taking decisive actions to advance your case toward a successful resolution.

By following this level-set process, we ensure that you are well-informed and actively involved in shaping the strategic direction of your case, enhancing our ability to achieve your desired outcomes.


At RMO Lawyers, our illuminate process ensures ongoing evaluation and communication to keep you informed and optimize our approach. This phase includes the following steps:

  • Continuous Evaluation: We regularly assess new case developments, staying vigilant to any changes or new information that may impact your case.
  • Client Updates: We keep you informed with timely updates, ensuring you are always aware of the latest progress and any significant developments.
  • Strategy Refinement: Based on our continuous evaluation, we fine-tune our strategies to adapt to new circumstances, ensuring our approach remains effective and aligned with your goals.
  • Resource Optimization: We strategically allocate and maximize resources, adjusting as necessary to ensure the most efficient and effective handling of your case.

Through our illuminate process, we maintain a dynamic and responsive approach, ensuring that our strategies are continually optimized to achieve the best possible outcome for you.


At RMO Lawyers, our execution process focuses on implementing agreed-upon strategies with precision and efficiency to achieve optimal results for you. This phase includes the following steps:

  • Strategic Implementation: We execute the agreed-upon strategies, ensuring that each step is carried out with careful attention to detail and in alignment with your goals.
  • Efficient Action: Our team diligently executes legal strategy in a timely manner, maximizing efficiency without sacrificing quality.
  • Continuous Monitoring: Throughout the execution process, we closely monitor progress and any emerging developments, ready to adapt our approach as needed to maintain momentum and handle any challenges that may arise.
  • Maximizing Returns: Our goal is to maximize the return on your investment by achieving the best possible outcomes within the parameters of the agreed-upon strategies.

Through our execution process, we strive to deliver results that meet or exceed your expectations, demonstrating our commitment to effective action and tangible results.


Our finalization process is focused on achieving expedited and favorable resolutions to your dispute, enabling you to swiftly move forward with your life. This phase includes the following steps:

  • Efficient Resolution: We prioritize securing better results in a timely manner, employing strategic negotiation and legal tactics to expedite the resolution process.
  • Client-Centric Approach: Throughout the finalization stage, we remain attentive to your needs and goals, ensuring that our actions are aligned with your desired outcomes.
  • Effective Closure: By swiftly concluding the dispute, we provide you with closure and peace of mind, allowing you to focus on your personal and professional endeavors.

Through our finalization process, we aim to deliver swift and satisfactory resolutions, empowering you to emerge from the dispute and move forward with confidence


Be advised that the RMO Client Relations Team will reach out prior to your scheduled time, as our policy requires that we gather additional information concerning the parties to your case before we can confirm your consultation. In the event that we are unable to reach you, regrettably, we will need to cancel your requested consultation.

Communication Disclaimer

Please note that communications by you to RMO LLP or any of its lawyers through this website do not create an attorney-client relationship between you and the firm. Do not send any privileged or confidential information to the firm through this website or otherwise until instructed in writing from us to do so.