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Is Conservatorship the Same as Power of Attorney? Key Differences

Key Takeaways Introduction Whether a person experiences mental incapacity or has a temporary travel arrangement, there are many situations that can arise and prevent [...]

How Long Do You Have To Sue an Executor? 

Executive Summary  Introduction Executors are an integral part of the probate process, as they ensure that estate assets are distributed to beneficiaries and that [...]

Man writing a will

Essential Evidence Needed to Successfully Contest a Will

Executive summary Introduction A will contest is a common practice during probate if there are concerns about the document or the estate plan. However, [...]

family walking through field with cattle

Protecting Inherited Wealth from Creditors and Litigation

Executive summary  Introduction For estates of high-net-worth individuals, protecting wealth for their heirs and successors is paramount. Some of the biggest threats to inherited [...]

attorney discussing trustee duties with client

Tax Implications in High-Value Probate & Trust Litigation

Executive summary Tax implications in high-value probate If you are an interested party in a high-value estate, then it’s important that you understand the [...]

What Is a Child Entitled to When a Parent Dies With a Will

Executive summary  Introduction Upon the death of a parent, children face an extremely difficult time having to grieve the loss of a parent but [...]

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