Our Awards


Matthew Yamamoto is a paralegal in the Los Angeles office of RMO. In that role, Matthew supports the team’s trial lawyers in trust and probate estate litigation, related business litigation, and administrative matters. Matthew is a graduate of the Paralegal Training Program at the UCLA Extension and earned his certificate with distinction.


Community and Professional Invovement

  • Member Los Angeles Paralegal Association


UCLA Extension
Paralegal Certificate

University of California, Riverside
B.A, Political Science and Administrative Studies

Free Consultation

A member of the RMO Client Relations team will reach out to gather additional information concerning the parties to your case and schedule your consultation.

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Please note that communications by you to RMO LLP or any of its lawyers through this website do not create an attorney-client relationship between you and the firm. Do not send any privileged or confidential information to the firm through this website or otherwise until instructed in writing from us to do so.