Category: Partition Action

inherited house

How Do You Split an Inherited House?

Jointly inheriting real estate can be tricky, particularly when the beneficiaries don’t agree on what to do with the property and want to split [...]

inherited house

What Is Probate Code Section 733.814?

Florida Probate Code Section 733.814 allows the personal representative or a beneficiary of an estate to initiate a “partition action” to split property between [...]

family standing on porch

What Happens When a Beneficiary Is Living In an Inherited House?

Inheriting real estate with other people can be challenging, particularly when one of the beneficiaries is living in the house owned by a deceased loved one. [...]

looking at ancillary probate administration documents

How Long Does It Take to Win a Partition Action

To win a partition action can take anywhere from a couple of months to reach a settlement agreement to a year or more if [...]

force sale of house sign

How to Stop a Partition Action

A partition action allows a co-owner of a property to force a sale of the property, so they can take their share of the [...]

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