Category: Executor of a Will

reviewing trust distribution documents

What Are Examples of Executor Misconduct?

An executor is a person who is appointed to carry out the instructions of a will after the death of the person who made [...]

woman staring out at sea

What To Do If an Executor Is Not Communicating With Beneficiaries?

Executive summary  Introduction  If an executor is not communicating with beneficiaries, it can lead to trouble. An executor is responsible for carefully managing an [...]

senior man playing chess outdoors

What Are the Powers of the Executor of a Will?

While California law grants executors considerable authority in managing estate assets, the powers of an executor of a will are limited by the fiduciary [...]

elderly couple reviewing documents

Can the Executor of a Will Take Everything?

Executive Summary Introduction A will’s executor is responsible for managing and administering the estate as outlined by the terms of the will. An executor [...]

woman looking at computer

Can an Executor Override a Beneficiary?

An executor can override a beneficiary if they need to do so to follow the terms of the will or the probate laws of the [...]

family walking on beach

What an Executor Can and Cannot Do

Executors cannot do things which are contrary to the benefit of heirs, beneficiaries, and the estate. This means if you suspect an executor is [...]

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