Search Results for: heirs

office buildings

Disputed Heirship Recognized

Effectuated heirship for the secret scion daughter of the decedent, who learned of his daughter only late in life and came to celebrate their [...]

office buildings

Disputed Heirship Recognized

Effectuated heirship for the secret scion daughter of the decedent, who learned of his daughter only late in life and came to celebrate their [...]

two people having legal consultation

Can I Sue Heirs of a Deceased Person?

If you have a valid legal claim against a deceased person, you may still be able to receive compensation by filing a lawsuit against [...]

father daughter skateboarding park

What Is a Petition for Determination of Descent/Heirship?

Executive summary Introduction When a beneficiary or heir is either left out of a probate petition or believes they should be entitled to receive [...]

father and son having conversation

What Is an Affidavit of Heirship?

Executive summary Introduction When a person passes away without a valid will, their heirs are the individuals who are next in line to receive [...]

scott rahn and sean muntz speaking to clients

The Guide to Pretermitted Heirs, Spouses, and Children

Executive Summary Introduction Instances may arise where an individual was omitted from a will despite having a legal right to an inheritance—this person would [...]

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